One of the best investments you can make for your home garage includes purchasing a car lift. This equipment is an excellent choice for home garages, mainly if you have limited space. More and more homeowners are enjoying the discovery of car lifts following the practicality and convenience they provide. Whether you have a busy multi-car household or are a collector of fine motors, adding a car lift will come in handy with many things. Nevertheless, you must remember that there are different systems and models for car lifts available on the market. Therefore, you should consider the differences between each while considering your needs to ensure you make the best selection. Here is what you need to consider before purchasing a car lift.
Type: Scissor, 4 Post or 2 Post
One of the most challenging considerations when purchasing car lifts includes the type to go for. This is especially evident in new car and garage owners as they may not have enough information on what to go for. In comparison, a two-post car lift features two legs only, while a four-post lift includes standing legs. While a two-post lift is excellent for a space with limited space, be careful when selecting it, as it may limit your access to wheels. Check here for the best two post Bendpak car lifts with asymmetric design.
On the other hand, four-post lifts are ideal for workshops or garages with extra floor space. Also, they will allow you to raise vehicles and position them properly, especially when servicing. Further, a scissor car lift offers flexibility regarding height regulation. However, unlike in 4 post lifts, you cannot park another car underneath.
If you want to get anything done perfectly, you must have the right tool for it. Even though car lifts seem to be the same, it is important to note that different car lifts are designed to serve various purposes. For this reason, you must select a car lift that is right for you. For example, some car lifts are designed to serve storage purposes only, while others can be used for car maintenance services.
On the other hand, if you want to achieve versatility, you should get a portable car lift for maximum efficiency.
Lifting Capacity
To start with, you must ensure that the car lift you wish to purchase supports your vehicle comfortably. While the market today provides a lot of quality models for car lifts, numerous lift systems can support various types of cars. But how do I know the car lift I buy is ideal for my motor vehicle?
A reputable car lift dealer should offer the best lift selection information, depending on your car model. A 3500kg lift is appropriate for large vehicles such as vans, while a 2500kg lift is appropriate for smaller cars and motorbikes. Ensure you counter-check your car’s weight before settling on a new lift.
Other factors to consider include price and the lifting height.
In conclusion, purchasing a car lift for your workshop or garage will offer numerous benefits, including more parking space, easier maintenance, and car protection. However, it would help if you considered the factors stated above to allow you to make the best car lift selection.